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Currently the Signal Service is not available. Keep an eye on our website for any further updates.
Buying power, also referred to as excess equity, is the money an investor has available to buy securities in a trading context. Buying power equals the total cash held in the brokerage account plus all available margin.
Net Liquidation Value in the Securities segment of your account is calculated as: Total cash value + stock and bond value + non span option value + dividend payable/receivable. The Net Liquidation Value for the Commodities (Futures) segment of your account as of the report date.
Due to deposit and withdrawal restrictions, we have decided not to utilize IDeal.
Real Time data subscribtions can be added via your client portal Settings
To maintain an active account status, a minimum balance of even 0.1 euro is sufficient, provided that you engage in regular trading activities.
At the minimum, an EMIR transaction report must contain Counterparty Data including their name, country of incorporation of domicile, and unique identifiers, as well as common data including the type of contract entered, its notional value, quantity traded, settlement date and time.
The objective of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) is to mitigate the systemic risks inherent in the European derivatives market. EMIR gives rise to obligations for certain parties to derivative transactions. These obligations also include certain notifications to BaFin and ESMA .
The reason U.S. ETFs cannot be traded is that under European regulations, information about the product must be translated into multiple languages so that retail customers can assess their risk. Most U.S. ETFs can only be traded by institutional investors. You can find equivalent European versions for most U.S. ETFs. Usually they are offered on the London, Dublin, Milan, Luxembourg or Frankfurt exchanges. You can also find a list of ETFs available at Mexem: in the menu of your client portal, look under Markets. Then select the Mutual Fund Scanner, just enter the country of origin of the fund and a huge list will become visible, and can also be downloaded in excel, with all funds available at IB/MEXEM.
If the option is given to choose between cash and stock dividend, you can find the messages by logging in into client portal, go to your message center via HELP, and select corporate actions. In the message you can select your choice. To follow up on your dividends, you can withdraw a report via REPORTS in your client portal.
The reason U.S. ETFs cannot be traded is that under European regulations, information about the product must be translated into multiple languages so that retail customers can assess their risk. Most U.S. ETFs can only be traded by institutional investors. You can find equivalent European versions for most U.S. ETFs. Usually they are offered on the London, Dublin, Milan, Luxembourg or Frankfurt exchanges. You can also find a list of ETFs available at Mexem: in the menu of your client portal, look under Markets. Then select the Mutual Fund Scanner, just enter the country of origin of the fund and a huge list will become visible, and can also be downloaded in excel, with all funds available at IB/MEXEM.
When depositing funds on your Mexem account, it generaly takes 1-3 working days. You need to always mention your Mexem account number as a reference, otherwise it may take longer.
In case you have forgotten your current password and you need a new temporary password in order to renew your old one, you will need to call out customer service department. We will provide you with a new temporary password so you can log in into the client portal and renew it. Please find contact details on this link
Please go to the website and select open account. Then only select ORGANISATION or INSTITUTION. Fill out the application. Compliance will then review your data.
If your statement is not reflecting your loss, this is probably due to a "wash sale" A sale of stock or securities is considered a "wash sale" if a trader sells shares or securities at a loss and purchases the same or equivalent shares or securities within the 61-day wash sale period, which includes the 30 calendar days before the sale, the day of the sale, and 30 calendar days following the sale. When the loss on the sale is deferred, the amount of the loss is added to the cost basis of shares purchased during the wash sale period ("replacement shares"). Upon the sale of the replacement shares, the disallowed loss is integrated into the estimations of the gain or loss on the replacement shares and recognized. In addition, the holding period of the original shares is added to the holding period of the newly acquired shares or securities.For additional information on Wash Sales, please visit our website.
MEXEM does not act to automatically convert currency balances back to the Base Currency as this action would require assumptions as to the account holder's desired currency exposure as well as the trade price at which they would be willing to close the position.
Route orders to FXCONV if you are not interested in tracking the average cost and running P&L on your currency trades in your trading platforms.Orders routed to FXCONV in TWS:Do not create or adjust Virtual FX Positions in FX PortfolioAre not reflected in the trading platforms' P&L.Orders routed to **IDEALPRO **in TWS:Create or adjust Virtual FX Positions in FX PortfolioAre reflected in the trading platforms' P&L when FX Portfolio is displayed.Please note:All currency trades at MEXEM, both destination FXCONV and IDEALPRO, imply currency delivery and result in currency conversionsDestination IDEALPRO or FXCONV has no impact on the Activity Statements' P&L. See: How is P&L on Forex calculated?Only TWS allows you to select FXCONV; the other trading platforms always route currency orders to IDEALPRO.See also: How do I hide Virtual FX positions?
Margin requirements affect how and when you can borrow, the type of deposits which may be needed and the level of equity that you must manage in your account. Failure to meet these requirements will result in becoming subject to liquidation of assets, either manual or automated, to bring the account back into margin compliance.Margin requirements are based on your Country of legal residence, the exchange where you want to trade and the product(s) you want to trade. You can use the following resources to learn more about trading on margin:On the Margin Trading page of the MEXEM website you can find information on margin trading as well as up-to-date margin requirements. Use the handy Margin Requirement Wizard to narrow the information to only the products you wish to view.In the Margin Education Center you can find additional educational materials related to margin trading at Mexem.Find details on Margin oversight for US listed securities and commodities products and Key Margin Definitions in the MEXEM Knowledge Base.See also: How can I keep track of my account values and margin requirements in TWS?
Opening orders from Retail investors in the European Economic Area (EEA) that are correlated with a product that does not follow the EU's packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Product Regulation (PRIIPS) will be rejected. The regulation is planned to enhance understanding of these products through provision of disclosure documentation mentioned to as the Key Information Document (or "KID"). The KID provides information such as costs, risks & performance, product description. The products that this applies to have returns connected with a reference value and include derivatives (options and futures), ETFs, ETNs, funds and certain debt instruments. It does not apply to stocks, standard bonds and FX. Orders will be denied if the issuer, or manufacturer, of the product has decided not to provide the KID needed in order to distribute the product to EEA retail residents. Please note: The restriction does not apply to existing positions subject to the KID requirement that you are seeking to close. To close any similar position you held prior to the implementation of PRIIPS use the "Close" button to create a closing order. Once an EEA resident is accepted to trade ETFs under PRIIPs there may be a further permission needed for "Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Products" required to trade ETFs or ETNs. See: What permissions do I need to trade Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Products? Find a general overview of PRIIPs regulation in the IBKR Knowledge Base. See also: How can I upgrade to Professional status for PRIIPs purposes?
Neither MEXEM or its agent bank charges for electronic deposits of any currency other than MXN. If you are being charged it is likely because your bank is using the services of a correspondent bank to effect cross-border transfers. As this relationship is not controlled or determined by MEXEM (nor do we benefit by the fee), you would need to discuss with your bank the relationships they maintain and how that impacts your costs.
MEXEM allows one free withdrawal request per calendar month. Subsequent withdrawals, irrespective of the method, are charged a fee. The fee charged depends upon the denomination of the currency withdrawn and the withdrawal method. Please see the MEXEM website for details. For purposes of determining the number of withdrawal requests occurring in a given month, MEXEM uses the date at which the client submits the withdrawal request and not the date at which the withdrawal was processed. Accordingly, a client who submits a withdrawal request on the first and last days of the same month will be assessed a fee for the second request even if that request is processed on the first day of the following month
There are many reasons to open an account with MEXEM including our innovative trading technology, low cost, global access, and financial strength and security.The MEXEM Universal Account is an Integrated Investment Management account that lets you invest around the world.
If you tried to submit an order cancellation request and the Order Status field is orange in colour, that indicates that a cancellation request has been accepted by the system but currently the request is not being recognised. At this point, your order is not confirmed cancelled. You may still receive an execution while your cancellation request is pending. If you tried to submit and then cancel an order over the weekend when the exchanges are closed, then that order may not be removed from your screen until after the MEXEM system becomes active again after the weekend update. That cancel request submitted over the weekend will be recognized before the exchanges re-open for the new week. If you try to cancel an order during an active trading session, then the reason for the Pending Cancel could be due to system or exchange issues. In this instance, we recommend calling MEXEM's Trade Issues group so we can review the pending cancellation request. Please note, your order is only canceled after the exchange acts on the cancel request and confirms to MEXEM that they have removed your order from the exchanges order book. In some instances, the exchange may be in the process of filling your order and will not act on the cancel request. For additional information, please visit the MEXEM Knowledge Base.
MEXEM provides the following API types:Trader Workstation (TWS API) - offers the most features and is made available to any clients with trading access.WT Web API - offered to white-branded advisors and introducing brokers and provides streaming and historical data.Client Portal Web API beta- offered to all clients to provide a RESTful interface to the Client Portal via a small local gateway.3rd party Web API - offered to 3rd party vendors to connect their end users to their accounts at MEXEM for trading stocks and forex.Additonal information on our API solutions can be found on our website.
A Cash account must have enough cash to cover the cost of a position plus commissions and can never hold a negative cash balance. When placing a Market order (or Stop order), the order value cannot be known with certainty prior to execution as the market can move in any direction at any moment. Because of this, an additional 5% is added to the order amount at the credit check step for Market type orders to account for market movements. If you receive an order rejection for not enough Settled Cash when you do in fact have the Settled Cash to execute your order at your desired price and quantity, try using a Limit order (or Stop Limit order for a Stop) or reduce the MKT order size.Clients may also receive this rejection message when attempting to purchase a foreign security in a Cash type account. Because a Cash account is precluded from borrowing funds, clients will need to place a currency conversion and wait for those funds to settle prior to purchasing a foreign security.More details regarding closing the nominal forex balances in an account may be found in the MEXEM Knowledge Base.See also: How do I upgrade my account to use margin or Portfolio Margin?
A given username can only have one trading session active at a given time. If you have a trading session running (e.g. TWS or MEXEM Mobile) and you start another session (e.g. Client Portal), you will be warned upon login to Client Portal with the message "You are currently logged in without Trading/Market Data permissions. You are logged into the Brokerage system on another platform. You can only trade and view real-time market data on one platform at a time. You can still manage your account but can't trade. Another session with the same user name has disconnected your session." You can click on the "Log in with Trading/Market Data" button to enable trading access on Client Portal and disconnect the other trading session.
MEXEM adds House margins to the Initial margin requirement for a contract. If you hold a position that has a higher Initial margin than Maintenance margin, it is possible for your Available Funds to be negative while your Excess Liquidity is positive. Buying Power is projected as the current Available Funds (Equity with Loan Value less Initial Margin) times a multiple, so when your Available Funds is negative you will not be allowed to enter a margin increasing order.Your actual Buying Power depends on your account type and the products you are trading and currently hold in the account. Please be sure to visit the MEXEM Knowledge Base for more information on Determining Buying Power.
Market data vendors usually provide exchange data in two categories: real-time and delayed. Real-time market data is disseminated as soon as the information is publicly available. Delayed market data is on a time lag that is usually 10-20 minutes behind real-time quotes.Some exchanges allow delayed data to be shown without any market data subscription, free of charge. Customers receive free delayed market data for contracts to which they do not currently hold market data subscriptions when made available by the exchanges.Not subscribing to real time data has no impact on your order executions. However, you are required to have active trading permissions for the products you wish to trade.Please Note: Delayed quotes are not provided for U.S. stocks on live accounts with IB LLC or owned by U.S. residents due to FINRA regulations.More Information:Delayed Market Data TimingHow do I subscribe to real-time market data?How do I manage my trading permissions?
MEXEM will automatically close individual accounts managing a zero balance in order to avoid continuing market data subscription fees and/or monthly Minimum Activity fees.If all positions have been closed and a close account request has been submitted through Account Management, MEXEM will automatically convert Settled Cash balances to base currency provided the balance held is less than USD 1,000 equivalent. Clients holding currency balances exceeding this threshold will be required to submit closing trades in order to close their currency position before the account closure request will be processed.
There are a number of conditions which change the status of a product that at one time was freely tradable to later being restricted to closing only. One of the most common causes is a change in a stock's listing that causes it to no longer be continuously quoted on an electronic market. Another is a change to the clearing status whereby the stock can no longer be settled or cleared through standard clearing mechanisms, but rather requires special broker-to-broker bilateral settlement.In these circumstances, MEXEM will allow the client to close an existing position, but will not accept orders which either serve to open a new position or increase the existing position.
In a Cash account, an investor must pay for the purchase of a security (meaning, the trade must settle) prior to selling that security. If an investor buys a security and then sells that same security without paying for the security in full by settlement date, the investor is considered to be "free riding." Accounts that commit free riding violations will be restricted for 90 days, during which time the account can only purchase securities using settled funds.Please find below free riding examples that would be considered a violation at MEXEM.Example A:On T, the account has settled cash of $10,000On T, the account buys ABC for $10,000On T+1, the account sells ABC and buys $10,000 of XYZThe customer sells the XYZ shares without depositing sufficient funds to pay for the purchase of XYZ in fullExample B:On T, the account has fully paid for stock in ABC and no excess cashOn T, the account sells $10,000 of ABCOn T, the account buys $10,000 of XYZOn T+1, the account sells the XYZ shares without depositing sufficient funds to pay for the purchase of XYZ in fullThe end of day surveillance process would consider both of these scenarios to be free riding violations, which would restrict the account to only purchase using settled funds for 90 days. MEXEM has put certain controls in place to help prevent free riding violations.You can find additional information on the Free Riding Rule in the MEXEM Knowledge Base.To avoid the restrictions please review: Can I upgrade to a margin account while a free riding restriction is in effect?
MEXEM does not make margin calls. Real-time liquidations occur when your account has a margin deficiency. Generally, accounts will not have time to deposit funds to meet a margin deficiency. MEXEM sends margin deficit notifications on a best efforts basis, but this is not always possible in a fast moving market. In order to determine if your account is margin compliant you should monitor Excess Liquidity and your Special Memorandum Account (SMA). You can see these values in TWS from menu Account, Account Window in section Available for Trading.Additional information on Available for Trading values can be found in the TWS Users' Guide.You can also review our Margin Requirements and the Margin Education Center on the MEXEM website and learn about Margin Requirements in TWS Account Window in our MEXEM Short Video.
Specific investments are prone to annual income reclassification and other adjustments by their issuer, frequently after the original tax statement has been issued for your account. When this takes place, an amended tax statement will be issued. Income reclassification means that a portion or all of the income distributed to investors during the tax year has been subject to a change in tax character or treatment. Examples of this are as follows: Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) - reclassification often occurs due to adjustments for depreciation and/or gains or losses from sale of property; Unit Investment Trusts (UITs) - UITs taxed as grantor trusts commonly reclassify income relating to return of capital, qualified dividends, short-term vs. long-term capital gains, original issue discounts, interest, fees and expenses. Mutual Funds - reclassification can occur if the fund distributions during the year surpassed earnings or if the fund holdings included securities subject to reclassification (e.g., tax-exempt mutual funds, REITs).See: What should I do if I receive an amended Form 1099? in the MEXEM Knowledge Base.
To protect your assets and data in the event you forget to log out or leave your device unattended, your Client Portal session will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity. This is a system setting and it cannot be adjusted by the user. If you are being logged out prior to the 60 minute session expiration, please try one of the following troubleshooting steps: Clear your Cookies and Cache for the browser you are using. Test different Internet Browsers. e.g. Firefox, Chrome, IE or Safari. Confirm if you notice the same logout behavior when logged in via your Smartphone. Restart your Internet Modem and restart your Computer. Should you need assistance, please contact MEXEM Client Services.
If you are able to log in to Client Portal/Account Management, but not any of the trading platforms, then there is no problem with your login credentials (i.e., user name, password and 2 factor authentication). Rather, your access to the trading platform is likely restricted due to one of the following conditions:Your account application remains under review and has not yet been approved. Note that you will receive an email notification once the review of your application has been completed.You are a client of a financial advisor managing discretionary trading authority over your account. Here, the advisor is presumed to be the only individual entering orders and the advisor can provide the client with access, if requested.In case of a new user creation, 24 hours are required before being able to log in to the trading platforms.
You may not be able to log into your paper trading account if:You requested a new paper trading account that isn't ready. It normally takes 24 hours to be activated.Your live account is closed. In that case, your paper trading account will also be closed.You have an older account and have never activated a paper account (newer accounts include a paper account).See also: What is the username of my paper account? and How can I reopen a closed paper trading account?
MEXEM Australia only supports currency balances in AUD, USD, EUR and GBP, and clients are able convert between these currencies as described here: How can I convert currency at MEXEM? If you hold cash balances in currencies other than MEXEM Australia supported currencies (AUD, USD, GBP or EUR), they will to be converted into your nominated base currency. MEXEM Australia clients, when granted permission, can trade in any market available across the MEXEM network, even those outside the 4 supported currencies above. However, upon trading any market outside the 4 supported currencies MEXEM Australia will automatically execute Forex conversions to ensure non-supported cash balances are cleared. For example, if an MEXEM Australia client using a Cash account wishes to buy HKD denominated securities, as long as the client has sufficient available funds the trade will be permitted. To settle the trade, MEXEM Australia will convert the existing cash balances into HKD. Similarly, at a later date, if the same client wishes to sell their HKD denominated securities MEXEM Australia would automatically convert the HKD proceeds to the base currency by day's end, once again leaving no residual HKD cash balances. If an MEXEM Australia client using a margin account has any positive or negative cash balances outside of the 4 supported currencies, it will be automatically converted to base currency by day's end. Additional information on MEXEM Australia account types and product offerings can be found in our Knowledge Base.
You may need to finalise the Non-Professional Questionnaire in Client Portal/Account Management for each user. It is also possible your account does not meet the market data subscription minimum and maintenance equity balance requirements. More Information: How do I complete the Non-Professional Questionnaire? What are market data subscription minimum and maintenance equity balance requirements?
You might have opened non-base currency balances which limit the amount you can withdraw in a given currency. You may refer to the following link for instructions on how to convert these balances back to your base or other currencies: How can I convert currency at MEXEM?If your account is a cash account and you recently executed a closing trade or currency conversion, you are required to wait for settlement before you can withdraw funds. This takes generally two (2) business days for stocks and for currencies (T+2).If you recently deposited funds to your account, please be aware of withdrawal restrictions that may apply to your recent deposit.If you have open the -F account UK Regulated used to trade non-US index options and spot metals, you may have cash balances in such account that have to be transferred internally to the main account first. You can see cash balances in the -F account in TWS Account Window, section Market Value Real FX Balances, column "FX Cash"; you can also see these cash balances in your activity statements under the Cash Report section in the "UK Regulated" column. You can launch an internal transfer by logging in to Client Portal and selecting the menu Transfer & Pay followed by Transfer Funds. Click on the account number in the upper part of the page and choose the account ending in F. Then pick Internal Transfer and choose Full Transfer in the Currency drop down. Click Continue, confirm by entering username, password and the code sent to your email and click Continue. The transfer will be reflected on the account in an instant.See also: How can I check my cash balances in the Activity Statement? and Are there any limits to the amount I can withdraw?
MEXEM does not provide direct trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE). You can trade numerous OSE-listed stocks on the OMXNO exchange: Trader Workstation: choose the exchange "OMXNO" from the Destination field when placing an order MEXEM Mobile: when placing your symbol into the Order Ticket, select the asset class "Stock" followed by "OMXNO" as the exchange. Please Note: customers who are residents of Norway cannot trade Norwegian securities due to administrative restrictions.
The Base Currency you elect for your account serves 3 primary purposes:Accounting Convention: the MEXEM Universal Account provides clients the ability to trade multiple products from around the world in a single account. As clients trading global products are likely to hold positions which are denominated in different currencies, a single currency needs to be selected for the purposes of translating statement balances. In designating this single, or Base Currency, many clients elect the currency of their country of residence or where the majority of their income and assets are denominated.Margin Compliance: margin compliance is determined by comparing Equity With Loan Value and the margin requirement of the account. As cash or securities denominated in one currency may serve as collateral to satisfy the margin requirement of a position denominated in another, a common currency is needed to determine whether the account is margin compliant.Fees: charges related to market data and research, inactivity fees, exposure fees and commission on Forex trades are also charged in the designated Base Currency. This is intended to lower currency conversions that would otherwise be required to satisfy these fees.
Confirm that you have followed all the required steps outlined in our Users' Guide. If you are still unable to close your account please consider the following below.
Confirm that you have a saved bank wire instruction in the Base Currency of your account.
Please Note: If you do not have one, you can create one in Client Portal/Account Management by selecting Transfer & Pay followed by Transfer Funds.
If you are still unable to close the account, please contact Client Services.
If you are subscribed to market data but are currently only receiving delayed data, it may be because you are already logged in on another device with either your live account or paper account. Be sure to log off of your live or paper account on the other device and your data should be restored.If your account balance has recently dipped below the threshold for maintaining real time market data. When your account value goes below the following thresholds your live market data will be shut off: Individual Accounts (unless listed below): USD 500 (or non-US equivalent) Financial Advisor: USD 500 (or non-US equivalent) Friends and Family Advisor: USD 200 (or non-US equivalent) Indian Residents trading with an IB India Account: USD 100 (or non-US equivalent) Clients whose data terminated due to insufficient equity will need to meet the Qualification Requirement before re-subscribing.If your account balance is above the required threshold for maintaining real time market data, but upon charge of market data fees your equity is insufficient to pay for all the subscriptions, the system will terminate the subscriptions that you are unable to pay for.If you have an outdated market data questionnaire and have not updated the form MEXEM may terminate your market data until a new questionnaire is completed.If you do not log into Trader Workstation (TWS) for 60 days, you will be notified that your active market data and research subscriptions will expire at the end of the current month. You can avoid subscription termination by logging into TWS or by choosing to continue the subscriptions on the Market Data and Research pages in Client Portal/Account Management.If any of the above are not the issue, please try to refresh your market data connection by using the Ctrl + Alt + F keys on your keyboard. Otherwise, contact MEXEM by phone for additional troubleshooting.
MEXEM conducts business through a number of broker subsidiaries as listed below. The MEXEM entity through which an account is carried is generally based upon the account holder's country of legal residency or, in the case of an entity, its country of formation. Note that certain entities manage relationships with others for the purpose of offering services such as clearing and execution and this information is disclosed in the Customer Agreement.MEXEM LLC (IB LLC)MEXEM (U.K.) Limited (IBUK)MEXEM Canada Inc (IBC)MEXEM (India) Private Limited (IBI)MEXEM Hong Kong Limited (IBHK)MEXEM Securities Japan, Inc. (IBSJ)MEXEM Australia Pty Limited (IBA)Account holders may confirm the MEXEM entity through which their account is carried by reviewing the information located at the top of their Activity Statement.
The tax applies to qualifying positions held in an account of a non-U.S. taxpayer. It does not apply to U.S. taxpayers. Accounts of non-U.S. taxpayers generally are evidenced by the submission of an IRS Form W-8 and can include the following account types: individual, joint, organization and trust.
You can link your numerous accounts under a single username and password, including accounts that are managed by an Advisor or a Broker. Observe these guidelines when linking accounts:To request a link to an existing account, you must have an MEXEM Secure Login System security device.The email addresses, account titles, tax IDs and physical addresses associated with the accounts you want to link must be the same.You must link ALL accounts associated with you. You cannot link a subset of accounts.Once the accounts have been linked, the unique usernames and passwords for the accounts to be linked with this account will no longer function. The username and password associated with your account will function for all linked accounts.Once the accounts have been linked, the highest level security device among the linked accounts will automatically become the active security device.Additional information on linking existing accounts can be found in our Users' Guide.
In order to decide if you are using the correct or a valid ABA routing number please contact your financial institution to confirm this information.An ABA routing number is an unique routing or transit code used to identify banks in the United States. An ABA (American Bankers Association) code is usually the first nine numbers in the bottom row of numbers on any check in the US.
Various Central Securities Depositories such as the Depository Trust Company (DTC), Euroclear or Clearstream collect custody fees on behalf of ADR agents for DRs which do not pay periodic dividends. The fees are similar to dividends as they have an effective record date, they are deducted by the applicable depository in standard billing and will be passed to accounts which held the ADR on the record date.On a best-efforts basis, a notification will be sent to holders of ADRs referencing the possibility that the account will be charged an ADR fee of between 0.01-0.03 USD per share at some time in the future. The ADR charges, once processed, can be found in the Activity Statement in the Fees section for the date they were posted to your account.For more information on the fee, we recommend that you consult the ADR prospectus. You can also visit the SEC website's "Investor Bulletin: American Depository Receipts" (scroll down to the "What fees are charged to ADR Investors" section).
After MEXEM Mobile goes to the background (when you take an incoming call, for example) you can bring it back by clicking on the MEXEM Mobile application icon or by a long press on Home button. Note that in the latter case MEXEM Mobile might not be listed among the currently running applications, especially if it was sitting in the background for too long. This is completely normal as Android shuts down inactive applications automatically when it needs resources.
The MEXEM Debit Mastercard can be used anywhere Debit Mastercard is accepted, both to make purchases and to withdraw cash from ATMs.ATM withdrawals: Some ATMs require that you choose Checking, Savings or Credit Card. If you are presented with this choice, select Checking to withdraw cash using your Debit Mastercard. Note that Debit Mastercard balance inquiries will not work on ATMs. To check your current available balance, log into mobile TWS and look at the Account/Balances screen.
If you are a designated beneficiary, you may obtain the TOD Beneficiary Distribution Form from our homepage.Go to, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Forms and Disclosures. Click the Customer Service tab, and at the bottom of the list is the TOD form.
To see up to seven days of trades, use the Trade Log, accessible from the New Window drop-down in Mosaic and the Account menu in Classic TWS. In Mosaic, you can also see today's trades in the Trades tab of the Activity tile.Trade information such as commissions and fill prices are reflected in the table. You can find out more about the Trade Log in the TWS Users' Guide.Trades older than seven days can be found in your Activity Statements. See Where can I find my transaction or trade history?
Clients may view Realised and Unrealised performance by downloading an Activity Statement. Log in to Client Portal/Account Management and select Reports followed by Statements. From the Default Statements panel, select Activity and run a statement for the desired period in order to view the Realized & Unrealized Performance Summary. More information on Realised & Unrealised Performance Summary can be found in our Reporting Guide.
In the TWS OptionTrader or TWS/Mosaic Option Chains window, click on the drop down menu that says SPX in the upper right corner of the option chains. Choose SPXW as the Trading Class and the screen will change to the SPXW Weekly options. The rest of the available weekly expiries can be found by clicking on the More tab to the right of the currently listed expiries.Additional information on the Option Chains window can be found in our Users' Guide.
In order to see how much cash is in your account, click on the Account menu option in TWS followed by Account Window. Scroll down to the section titled Market Value - Real FX Balance. This section will show you all of your currency balances and will also display a total in your base currency.Additional information on the Market Value - Real FX Balance section can be found in our TWS Users' Guide.
If you are in Client Portal/Account Management, click the Portfolio menu option. Your account number will be to the right of the word Portfolio.Please Note: In case you set up an account alias, it will be shown in the place of the account number in the Portfolio page. You can open an activity statement and see the account number under Account Information section.If you are in Trader Workstation, your account number will be in the top right corner of the window.
The best place to find historical data is in Trader Workstation via a chart or the Time & Sales tool. In TWS, right click on the stock you wish to get historical data for. To bring up a chart, select Charts from the right click menu followed by New Chart . To bring up the Time & Sales tool, select Analytical Tools from the right click menu followed by Time & Sales .Please visit our Users' Guide for more information on how to Create a Real-time Chart and Time & Sales Data.
Analytical Tools can be found in our Trader Workstation platform.If using the Mosaic layout, you can find the various Analytical Tools that we provide by clicking the blue New Window button in the top left corner. Scroll through the list of tools, or, if you know what you're looking for, start by typing a tool name or feature to get a quick list. Choose a tool to open it.If you are in Classic TWS, you will find the Analytical Tools menu option at the top of your TWS platform (the fifth option to the right of File).
We may shorten the collateral value of securities (reduces marginability) for a variety of reasons, including: small issue size small or market capitalisation; low liquidity in the collective primary/secondary exchanges; involvement in tenders and other corporate actions. To see if a stock has a special margin requirement, use the Check Margin Impact feature in TWS to see the projected margin impact. Please feel free to visit the MEXEM Knowledge Base for information regarding margin rules for stocks below USD 5 and margin treatment for foreign stocks carried by a US broker.
To log in to Client Portal, check on the status of your deposit.
You may also check the Message Center for a verification message that is generated when a deposit is processed.
The date on which funds will be credited to your account will be dependent on the method of funds transfer: Wire From instant to four business days, depending on your bank. Non-U.S. banks are usually at the longer end of the range. Credit to account is instant upon arrival.
MEXEM provides a one-day holding period for GBP Faster Payments.
ACH Transfer:
ACH seeks of more than $25,000 will be received from your bank on the next business day and credited to your account after four business days under usual circumstances. ACH seeks of $25,000 or less received by 11:00 am ET will be credited to your account the same day and available to trade after four business days under usual circumstances.
ACH seeks of $25,000 or less received by 11:00 am ET will be received from your bank on the following business day and credited to your account after four business days under usual circumstances.
Check (All checks including retirement plan checks) USD Checks Only Bank, Bill Payment, and Personal checks for US Dollars are accepted. Click here for a list of acceptable/ unacceptable check types. Funds are credited to your account after a 6 business day credit hold, with the deviation of Bank Checks, which are credited instantly. HKD Checks Only personal checks are approved. Funds are credited within one business day after we receive official confirmation from our bank that the funds have cleared.
Online Bill Payment Electronic fund transfers are credited to your account instantly. US checks will be credited to your account after six business days. BPAY From instant to four business days, depending on your bank. A credit account is instant upon arrival. Canadian Bill Payment Bill payments submitted through your online bank payment system before 18:00 EST are normally received by IBKR within three business days and are instantly credited upon receipt.
Canadian Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)EFT requests received by 09:30 ET will be credited to your account after four business days under usual circumstances. Direct Rollover, Trustee-to-Trustee, Late Rollover, Employee/Employer SEP Contribution, Recharacterization, Roth IRA Conversion (IRA accounts only) depends on third-party administrators.
Forex and Stock trade settlement usually takes place on the second business day following the sale transaction (Trade Date plus two business days: T+2). Securities option, index option, future, future option, US Government bonds and USD.CAD Forex pair trade settlement usually takes place one business day following the sale transaction (Trade Date plus one business day: T+1). Settlement dates can also be found in your Trade Confirmation Report. See: How do I download my trade confirmation reports?
If you are eligible to receive a dividend payment (please see the MEXEM Knowledge Base), an accrual representing the dividend expected to be paid by the issuer at a future date will be posted to your account balance on the Ex-Dividend Date.Upon receipt of the funds from the depository or clearing agent, MEXEM will reverse the accrual and will post the allocated funds to the cash balance of the account. This adjustment will usually occur on the announced Payment Date; however clients should note that in the event MEXEM does not receive the funds in a timely manner, the dividend will remain in an accrued state until the funds have fully allocated.Account holders may track all of this information, including the date at which the dividend is expected to be paid and its amount by creating a custom activity statement that includes the section titled Open Dividend Accruals. See: How do I create a custom activity statement?
Margin accounts that have lower Intraday futures margins will have the higher Overnight future margin requirements and become active15 minutes before the end of that future contract's designated Regular Trading Hours session. You can keep track of the "Look Ahead Available Funds" and the "Look Ahead Next Change" in your Account Window's Available for Trading section (Click on the green "+" on the right to expand the section). The Look Ahead Next Change time shows the time the Intraday and Overnight margins will change. The Look Ahead Available Funds includes any amount of the change in the margin requirement from Intraday to Overnight margins. Please note, cash accounts and IRA accounts (both cash and margin type) are not afforded Intraday margin rates. MEXEM can rescind Intraday futures margins due to volatile trading conditions at any time without notice. Additional information on when the Intraday future margin requirements start and end can be found on the MEXEM website.
If your temporary digital virtual security code card has expired, you will need to contact MEXEM Client Services via phone to receive a temporary passcode and activate a permanent device.Once you receive a temporary passcode, the easiest option would be to activate the MEXEM Mobile app which allows for Two Factor Authentication.
You can keep track of your margin values in real time using your TWS/Mosaic Account Window by looking in the Margin Requirements and Available for Trading sections. In the MEXEM Mobile open the Account screen and tap on the Margins or Funds tabs. If you would like to see your margin information broken down by position as a daily snap shot you can create a Margin Report in Client Portal/Account Management. More information on the Margin Reports can be found in our Users' Guide.To see how the account's real time margin requirements would change when previewing an opening or a closing order you can use the Check Margin Impact feature in TWS or in Check Margin Impact in Mosaic. In the MEXEM Mobile trader tap Preview in the bottom of the Order Ticket.
You can keep track of your margin values in real time using your TWS/Mosaic Account Window by looking in the Margin Requirements and Available for Trading sections. In the MEXEM Mobile open the Account screen and tap on the Margins or Funds tabs. If you would like to see your margin information broken down by position as a daily snap shot you can create a Margin Report in Client Portal/Account Management. Additional information on the Margin Reports can be found in our Users' Guide.To see how the account's real time margin requirements would change when previewing an opening or a closing order you can use the Check Margin Impact feature in TWS or in Check Margin Impact in Mosaic. In the MEXEM Mobile trader tap Preview in the bottom of the Order Ticket.
If you believe that your account has been hacked or compromised it is critical that you contact your local Client Service Center immediately so that we may verify your identity and take the necessary actions to protect your account.These actions will generally include imposing restrictions upon the placement of new opening orders, a freeze upon funds withdrawals and asset transfers, issuance of a new password and a review to ensure that all account users are 2-factor protected while the incident is investigated. In addition, you will need to review your account to identify any unauthorized trades, withdrawals or information changes. A review of your account activity including login history will be then conducted by MEXEM's Compliance Department and you may be required to file a police report.
No margin trading is permitted in TFSA/RSP accounts. All purchases must be paid in full in the product's respective currency. Additionally, no account debit balances are allowed. If required, a currency trade could be executed between USD and CAD.Accounts are restricted to cash balances in CAD and USD.The TFSA/RSP account is allowed to trade the following qualified investments:Stocks listed on designated US and Canadian exchanges (excluding Venture-NEX segment and CSE single listed stocks)Long equity call optionsLong equity put optionsShort equity call options with a fully covered position (covered call)Long equity put options with a fully covered position (protective put)Long put/call options on indicesWarrants/Rights if the underlying asset acquired under the right to purchase is a qualified investmentU.S. BondsFX conversions limited to USD.CADYou can find information on RSP and TFSA accounts on our website.
ES is the ticker symbol for S&P 500 futures. After entering the ticker select Futures followed by the contract month.Customers might search the IBKR contract database through our website under the Products menu followed by Contract Search.
DAX is the ticker symbol for DAX futures. After entering the ticker select Futures and choose multiplier 5 for Mini-DAX, or 25 for DAX futures. Finally select the contract month.Customers may search the MEXEM contract database through our website under the Products menu followed by Contract Search.
For securities, margin is the amount of cash a client borrows against marginable securities in the account. For commodities including futures, single-stock futures and futures options, margin is the amount of cash a client must put up as collateral to support an open futures contract in the account.For additional information please visit MEXEM's Margin Trading web page, the MEXEM Knowledge Base, or our Margin Education web page.
The FX Portfolio - Virtual FX Positions section of the Account window is built to show activity for currency pair trades for FX traders so that they can track average cost and running P&L on their currency trades.Since the "Position" value may reflect the sum of trades executed in the FX market along with currency conversions to change non-base funds into your base currency, these "virtual" positions do not necessarily reflect an actual cash balance in any currencyYou can rectify the value of a Virtual FX Position within the FX Portfolio - Virtual FX Position section by right-clicking on the position, selecting Adjust Position/Average Price and entering a different value into the fields. This will not execute any currency conversion, but will modify the value of this Virtual FX Position on the accountFor actual, real-time currency balances, check the Total Cash field of the Market Value - Real FX Balances section of the Account windowTo avoid having currency conversions reflected in this panel, use the FXCONV destination on the order line.More InformationHow do I hide or show my Virtual FX Positions?Why would I submit an FX transaction to the FXCONV destination?Is interest paid/charged on long/short Virtual FX currency positions?Why are some of the values in the FX sections of the Account window shown in italics?
Mark-to-Market (MTM) profit and loss shows how much profit or loss you incurred over the statement period, regardless of whether positions are open or closed. Opening and closing transactions are not matched using this methodology. MTM calculations assume all open positions and transactions are settled at the end of each day and new positions are opened the next day.MTM calculations are split for purposes of simplification: calculations for transactions during the statement period, and calculations for positions open at the beginning of any day:MTM P/L= Position MTM + Transaction MTM - CommissionsPosition MTM= (Current Closing Price - Prior Closing Price) x Prior Quantity x MultiplierTransaction MTM= (Current Closing Price - Trade Price) x Current Quantity x MultiplierAdditional information on the Mark-to-Market calculation method can be found in our Knowledge Base.The column MTM P/L in section Trades of your statements is the difference between the Trade Price and Current Closing Price (the Closing Price of the day of the trade) multiplied by the quantity.For a Forex trade, the Closing Price for the day of the trade can be seen on your daily Activity Statement under the Base Currency Exchange Rate section.Additional information can be found in our Reporting Guide.
Margin details can be found on the Margin page of the MEXEM website, which you can access by clicking the Products menu option followed by Margin (under Investment Products).The minimum margin requirement for shorting a stock is 30%. In addition, in order to hold a short position you must have a margin account which has a regulatory requirement to maintain a minimum balance of 2,000 USD.Please note, MEXEM's house margins for short stock can exceed any regulatory minimum requirement. We recommend using the Check Margin Impact feature to preview a stock's margin requirement prior to submitting an order. Please feel free to visit the MEXEM Knowledge Base for additional information.
The FXTrader provides an optimised trading interface with MEXEM-designed tools to trade the forex markets. The price display emphasises the critical portion of the bid/ask, and conveys price movement at a glance by showing an increasing price in green and decreasing price in orange. Each currency pair occupies its own "cell," complete with market data and order information, where you can create, transmit and cancel orders with a single click. Overall order, trade and portfolio information is shown along the top of the currency pairs grid. For assistance using the FXTrader, please visit the TWS Users' Guide.
Standard settlement period for most currencies is 2 business days (Trade Date plus two business days: T+2), with some pairs such as USD.CAD settling the next business day (Trade Date plus one business days: T+1).In order for a date to be a valid settlement date for a Forex transaction, the central banks for both currencies must be open for settlements. If either currency htlement date, sas a ‘holiday' on the target setettlement is deferred until the next valid business day for both currencies. Additionally, intervening holidays, that is a holiday between trade date and the standard 2 days later may or may not defer settlement, depending on which currencies are involved. Most currency transactions will not settle on a USD settlement holiday. This treatment is regardless of whether USD is part of the transaction directly, i.e. a EUR.JPY currency transaction will not settle on a USD settlement holiday but will be deferred to the next valid business day for all three currencies.Currency holidays are days in which the there is no settlement of prior transactions.
The Fee Rate represents the indicative rate (generally expressed as an interest rate) that the lender assesses to the borrower of the shares. This is the indicative borrow fee rate clients will pay MEXEM to short a stock. It is a debit from the account.The lender will then reinvest the cash collateral posted by the borrower to secure return of the shares and may provide a partial rebate of those earnings back to borrower's broker (generally equal to the Fed Funds Rate in the case of USD stock loans). Many brokers do not pass any part of this rebate to retail accounts although MEXEM does and the Rebate Rate is an indication of the net of the Fee Rate and any rebate offered. For example, assume stock ABC is hard-to-borrow and carries a Fee Rate of 20%. If the Fed Funds Rate and rebate provided is 2% then the Rebate rate is -18% (note that a negative Rebate Rate reflects a net charge to the borrower).The Rebate Rate column signifies the top tier Short Sales Proceeds Interest (SSIP) rate, which is the Fed Funds or other currency-relevant Benchmark rate less the top tier Short Sale Proceeds Interest spread, minus the borrow fee. This is meant to inform clients of the credit interest they will receive on their short stock cash proceeds.More information on securities financing interest rates can be found on our website.
Excess Liquidity: Current Equity with Loan Value - Current Maintenance Margin Requirement. Available Funds: Current Equity with Loan Value - Current Initial Margin Requirement. Please note, a liquidation may occur at anytime excess liquidity is negative. For additional information, see the MEXEM Short Video on how to monitor the real time margin in TWS and Key Margin Definitions in the MEXEM Knowledge Base.
Snapshot quotes provide an "Instantaneous" quote and will not stream on your trading platform. Real time quotes provide a constant stream of live, updated quotes on your trading platform. Both, however, will provide the NBBO (National Best Bid and Offer).See also: What is meant by US Securities Snapshot & Futures Value Bundle? and How can I obtain real time US option and stock quotes?For additional information, see US Reg NMS Snapshot Market Data Service in the MEXEM Knowledge Base.
When using a Stop order (STP), you only designate one price: your Stop Price. Once your Stop Price is hit, it will trigger a market order for execution. When using a Stop Limit order (STP LMT), you must designate two prices: a Stop Price and a Limit Price. Once your Stop Price is hit, it will trigger a limit order at the price you designated for execution.Additional information on Stop orders and Stop Limit orders can be found on our website. Additional information on the the difference between a stop and a stop limit order as well as more information regarding the use of stop orders on can be found in our Knowledge Base.
With Account Partitions, you allocate cash and/or positions from your current IB account into a newly created "partition" which is then managed by the professional Advisor or Broker of your choice. While this partition is traded by a professional, as the primary account holder you can log into your TWS account at any time to keep track of the performance of the partition, see all of its positions, review account activity, and check margin and available balances - just as you currently do with your account. In addition, all activity in the partition is labeled and reflected in your monthly statements, and you retain the ability to trade the non-partitioned segment of your account.Please see here for more details and instructions on creating an account partition.
Cash accounts purchase assets based on the cash value you deposited in your account. Unlike a margin account, a cash account cannot borrow money from MEXEM to purchase assets.You can upgrade from a cash to margin account as described in: How do I upgrade my account to use Margin?Additional information on margin trading can be found on our website.
A potential pattern day trader error message means that an account has less than the SEC required USD 25,000 minimum Net Liquidation Value AND the number of available day trades (3) has already been used within the last 5 days.The system is programmed to prohibit any further trades to be initiated in the account, regardless of the intent to day trade that position or not. The system is programmed to protect the accounts with less than USD 25,000 so the account would not "potentially" be flagged as a day trading account.If an account receives the error message "potential pattern day trader", there is no PDT flag to remove. The account holder will need to wait for the five-day period to end before any new positions can be initiated in the account. It is not possible to override the "Potential Pattern Day Trader" restriction.You can find an Overview of Pattern Day Trading ("PDT") Rules on the MEXEM website.See also: How can I determine the number of available Day Trades?See also: Are non-US residents subject to the Pattern Day Trading Rule?
Unless specifically modified, the default trigger method for all stocks is the "Last" method as described within the User's Guide. For US options the default trigger method is the "Double bid/ask" method, where two consecutive ask price (bid price) values must be less than (greater than) or equal to the trigger price, and the second bid or ask must have greater size if it is at the same price level as the first bid or ask. For Forex cash pairs (for example EUR/USD currency pair), the default trigger method is single "bid/ask", where the ask price (bid price) value must be less than (greater than) or equal to the trigger price. For all other contracts like Futures and Futures Options contracts the default trigger method is the "Last" method as described within the User's Guide.For additional information see How to Modify the Stop Trigger Method.
MEXEMSpot Gold (XAUUSD) and MEXEM Spot Silver (XAGUSD) are traded in units of 1 troy ounce fine gold and fine silver, respectively, and are quoted vs USD.Please Note: MEXEM Spot Gold and MEXEM Spot Silver trading is available to clients who are not legal residents of the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan or Hong Kong.
An ACH, while electronic, is similar to a cheque in that the funds are not guaranteed. As a result, they are subject to a hold period of 4 business days after arrival. The ACH deposit credit hold period is released at the time of U.S. regular market open on the 4th business day. MEXEM, as the originator of the transfer request, imposes this hold as it is obligated to return the funds to your bank, without recourse, should your bank later decide the transfer request to be unauthorized or in error. While your bank generally has the right to verify and request a return of funds well beyond MEXEM's hold period, past experience has proven a 4 business day hold sufficient in most instances. Note that ACH deposits are eligible for credit interest from the date the deposit arrives and through the hold period. Clients who need instant use of deposited funds are encouraged to use bank or broker wire transfers which are irrevocable and are therefore credited to your account and available for trading purposes instantly upon arrival. MEXEM does not charge for incoming wires for any currency with the exception of the Mexican Peso. Information on limitations, credit and withdrawal hold period for ACH deposits can be found on our website.
MEXEM uses 4 steps to calculate the daily interest payable or receivable on cash balances. Interest is calculated on the end of day Settled Cash Balance. If you sell a stock short and close the short in the same trading session, borrowing fees would not be applied as both the opening sale and closing purchase would settle on the same day. Information on how interest is calculated may be found on our website under Interest and Financing / Calculations.
You can confirm your base currency from:Client Portal/Account Management: Go to menu Settings followed by Account Settings. Under Configuration it is stated the Base Currency.Activity Statement: **Under the Account Information section the Base Currency is stated.Trading Platform: **From the Account Window the totals display in the Base Currency.
SMA refers to the Special Memorandum Account, which represents neither equity nor cash, but rather a line of credit created when the market value of securities in a Reg T margin account increase in value. Only the funds sitting in your MEXEM Universal Account's Securities segment are included in SMA.If you are also trading commodities, cash will be moved from the Securities segment to the Commodities segment in order to facilitate the trade. This will cause your SMA to drop accordingly. Once the contract is closed and the margin requirement is released from any statutory hold period, you can have the settled cash swept back to the Securities segment by choosing "Sweep to Securities" for your account's Excess Funds Sweep setting.The SMA balance is not a cash balance and it cannot be transferred into cash.
Equity with Loan Value (ELV) forms the basis for determining whether a client has the necessary assets to either initiate or manage security positions.The ELV formula for the securities segment of the Universal Account is as follows:Cash + stock value + bond value + mutual fund value + European and Asian options value (excludes market value U.S. securities & futures options and cash maintained in futures segment).
The Margin Cushion is estimated as the account's Excess Liquidity divided by the Net Liquidation Value. The Margin Cushion number is a tool you can use as a quick reference to monitor how much Excess Liquidity you have left before the account is in margin violation.The Margin Cushion can be added to the TWS Trader Dashboard. To add the Trader Dashboard in Classic TWS, click on View menu option followed by Trader Dashboard. Right click on the Trader Dashboard and select Configure. When the window populates, click the Add Account Data button. In the pop up window, scroll down to "Other" and click on " Cushion " followed by "OK". Click Apply to save your changes and OK to close the window.For more information, please visit the MEXEM Short Video on how to monitor the real time margin as well as the MEXEM Knowledge Base.
Assets listed on the VALUE exchange generally will be non-tradable assets. If you are holding a long position in such an asset and wish MEXEM to remove the position from your account, please see: How do I close a worthless position?
Mark-to-Market (MTM) profit and loss shows how much profit or loss you incurred over the statement period, regardless of whether positions are open or closed. Opening and closing transactions are not matched using this methodology. MTM calculations assume all open positions and transactions are settled at the end of each day and new positions are opened the next day.MTM calculations are split for purposes of simplification: calculations for transactions during the statement period, and calculations for positions open at the beginning of any day:MTM P/L= Position MTM + Transaction MTM – CommissionsPosition MTM= (Current Closing Price – Prior Closing Price) x Prior Quantity x MultiplierTransaction MTM= (Current Closing Price – Trade Price) x Current Quantity x MultiplierAdditional information on the Mark-to-Market calculation method can be found in our Knowledge Base.The column MTM P/L in section Trades of your statements is the difference between the Trade Price and Current Closing Price (the Closing Price of the day of the trade) multiplied by the quantity.For a Forex trade, the Closing Price for the day of the trade can be seen on your daily Activity Statement under the Base Currency Exchange Rate section.Additional information can be found in our Reporting Guide.
Maintenance Margin is the amount of funds which must be maintained in order to continue holding a position. In the U.S., the rules of the listing exchanges define the maintenance margin requirements on security transactions subject to SEC approval. The exchange minimum maintenance margin requirement for long stock positions is currently set at 25% although brokers can add any amount of a ‘house margin' requirement in excess of that, particularly where the security is considered low-priced or subject to volatile price changes. The exchange minimum maintenance margin requirement for short stock positions is currently set at 30%.
Margin accounts at MEXEM have the capability of selecting "Limited Option" trading permissions during the account application. The account will be permitted to enter orders for the option strategies listed below when "Limited Options" trading permissions is enabled:Long Call or a Long PutCovered CallsShort Naked Put: only if covered by cashCall Spread: Only European style cash settledPut Spread: Only European style cash settledLong Butterfly: Only European style cash settledIron Condor: Only European style cash settledLong Call and Put (long straddle)Cash accounts can only have Limited Options trading permissions, so you will not be able to enable this feature when opening a Cash type account.Please Note: The choice to select Limited Option trading permissions will be available when opening an IBLLC-US account only. If you select Limited Option trading permissions at the time the account is opened, you can later request an upgrade to full Option trading permissions. However, once an account has been approved for full Option trading permissions it is not possible to go back to having only Limited Option trading permissions.Additional information on trading permissions can be found in our Users' Guide.
Cost basis is the original value of a security or other asset used for tax purposes to determine whether a capital gain or loss has been realised when that asset is sold or disposed. Depending upon the tax regulations, the cost basis may be adjusted for commissions, wash sales or corporate actions such as stock splits and return of capital distributions.In certain instances, MEXEM may be required to provide you and the IRS with annual statements reporting the cost basis of securities you've sold. For more information, please see What is a Covered Security?See also: Where can I find the cost basis of my position?
MEXEM operates two settings under the IdealPro label, one providing spot Forex trading and currency conversions and other, spot metals trading (London gold and silver). See website for further details:ForexSpot metals
An IPO is an initial offering, made to the public, to purchase shares in what has historically been a privately owned company. If an Initial Public Offering (IPO) is successfully completed, the shares that have been issued by the company will become publicly tradable on the listing exchange. The stock issued by the company give the bearer partial ownership in the company. An IPO is one of numerous mechanisms available to private companies to raise capital.
The document must clearly list the applicant's name and the relevant address and must be less than six months old unless otherwise specified.Please provide a scanned version of one of the following acceptable documents:Utility bill : For example, a bill for electricity, gas, water, landline telephone, home broadband or TV. Mobile phone bills are not acceptable form of proof of address.Council tax billHome insurance billBank, mortgage or brokerage statementSigned and stamped letter from your bank on the bank's letterhead confirming addressCredit card statement (not older than six weeks)Government issued letters or statements: For example, a property tax bill, confirmation of residential address from the local authorities or a pension statement. Must be on official governmental letter head.Residence permitDriver's license or national identity card: If you use your Driver's License or National Identification Card as proof of identity, it cannot also be used as proof of address.For HUNGARY only: ADDRESS CARD which shows the current residential addressPlease note MEXEM will accept documents that are not in English but it may take longer for those documents to be translated.
The Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) is the National Securities Clearing Corporation's (NSCC) central processing system for the transfer of positions and accounts between US brokerage firms that are participants in the NSCC's ACATS program.The ACATS system allows you to enter a partial or full transfer request online to move positions and or cash from other ACATS participant firms.More information on ACATS transfers can be found in our Users' Guide.
Let MEXEM take care of your financial strength so you can enjoy the little things in life.